Fini les autocollants à 2 balles qui ne ressemblent à rien... l'heure est à la quantité industrielle ! heu... ou pas (ok, 1000 c'est pas énorme)
Voilà ce que j'ai recu aujourd'hui. La première étape avant de commander les affiches pour cet été !
il faut juste en trouver des pas cher... paske là ou g commandé, ils sont assez cher sans impression...
Si tu trouves d'autres adeptes..
Je mise 50.-
ok 50, bon ben la quête est lancée : qui veut participer ??
ils sont pourrite ! faut que je trouve un nouveau fournisseur...
Which. with most <a title="cheap mbt sandals" href=""><b> cheap mbt sandals</b></a> endeavour.Those can go to by no means.But for ever and ever Will now know not!If. on lawns Elysian.Having a broadened visionAnd a faint derision Conscious be they.How they might reprove meThat these fancies move me.Believe they ill behoove me. Smile. and say "What!--our hoar old houses.Where the past dead-drowses.Nor a child nor spouse is Of our name at all?Such abodes to care for.Inquire about and bear for.And suffer wear and tear for - How weak of you and little!"May 1921. She did not turn.But passed foot-faint with averted headIn her gown of green. by the bobbing fern.Though I leaned over the gate that ledFrom where we waited with table spread But she did not turn Why was she near there if love had fled? She did not turn.Though the gate was whence I had often spedIn the mists of morning to meet her. and learnHer heart. when its moving moods I readAs a book--she mine. as she sometimes said But she did not turn.And passed foot-faint with averted head. (SONG)We are always saying "Good-bye. good-bye!"In work. in playing.In gloom. in gaying At many a stage Of pilgrimage From youth to age We say. "Good-bye. Good-bye!"We are undiscerning Which go to sigh.Which will probably be yearningFor soon returning And which no much more Will dark our door. Or tread our shore. But go to die. To die.Some come from roaming With joy once <a title="Tiffany outlet" href=""><b> Tiffany outlet </b></a> more Some. who come homingBy stealth at gloaming. Had much better have stopped Till death. and dropped By strange hands propped. Than come so fain. So fain.So. with this saying. "Good-bye. good-bye."We speed their wayingWithout betraying Our grief. our fear No more to <a title="MAC EyeShadow" href=""><b> MAC EyeShadow</b></a> hear From them. close. clear. Again "Good-bye. Good-bye!" There trudges 1 to a merry-making Having a sturdy swing. On whom the rain <a title="mbt sandals" href=""><b> mbt sandals </b></a> comes down.
To fetch the saving medicament Is another bent. On whom the rain comes down.One slowly drives his herd to the stall Ere ill befall. On whom the rain comes down.This bears his missives of life and death With quickening breath. On <a title="mbt shoes clearance" href=""><b> mbt shoes clearance</b></a> whom the rain comes down.1 watches for signals of wreck or war From the hill afar. On whom the rain comes down.No care if he gain a shelter or none. Unhired moves one. On whom the rain comes down.And an additional knows nought of its chilling fall Upon him at all. On whom the rain comes down.October 1904. The trees fret fitfully and twist. Shutters rattle and carpets heave. Slime is the dust of yestereve. And in the streaming mistFishes may seem to fin a passage if they list. But to his feet. Drawing nigh and nigher A hidden seat. The fog is sweet And the wind a lyre. A vacant sameness grays the sky. A moisture gathers on each knop Of the bramble. rounding to a drop. That greets the goer-byWith the cold listless lustre of a dead man's eye. But to her sight. Drawing nigh and nigher Its deep delight. The fog is <a title="MBT Kisumu Sandals" href=""><b> MBT Kisumu Sandals</b></a> bright And also the wind a lyre. (A FRAGMENT)"This is really a brightsome blaze you've lit good friend. to-night!""--Aye. it has been the bleakest spring I've felt for years.And nought compares with cloven logs to keep alight I purchase them bargain-cheap of the executioners.As I dwell near and they wanted the crosses out of sightBy Passover. not to affront the eyes of visitors."Yes. they're from the crucifixions last week-endingAt Kranion. We can occasionally use the poles once more.But they get split by the nails.